<aside> ❓ From the outcrops that spawn in monsters awarding you with experience books or gold to the blossom that spawns in after defeating world bosses... these ley lines are more than just game mechanics. What we know of the Ley Lines and the Great Tree are scattered across different item descriptions.


The Ley Lines

Within the depths of Teyvat is a vast and mysterious network of roots, stemming from one great, ancient tree. These roots define the Ley Lines: lines & branches of roots that pulsate with energy, where memories and elements surge within. These Ley Lines remember all things that happen in the world.

Ley Line Blossom

Ley Line Blossom

Ley Line Outcrops

Ley Line Outcrops

Ley Line Monolith

Ley Line Monolith

Irminsul Trees

Irminsul trees are silver/white trees whose roots stretch down to the Abyss.

Petrified, younger versions of these trees are encountered in Domains when you collect rewards, remnants of the cities & altars of long gone civilizations once above & below ground. Like the Irminsul, the roots of all of these Petrified trees intertwine at the deepest depths of the earth within the Abyss — its patterns comprising the ley lines you see today. However, these trees seen in Domains, aren't that ancient.

"Truly ancient trees usually grow to around one or two miles in height. Oh, and there's a kind of large spider that lives around their roots — if you tie one up in cape jasmine and lemongrass and sprinkle on some cardamom, smoke it for a few hours — you get a fragrant taste that's simply... unforgettable." — Albedo, Interesting Things

<aside> 🧙 According to Lisa's About Mona, The Hexenzirkel organization of mages Mona is a part of conducts Irminsul explorations.


<aside> <img src="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/c/cd/Item_Condensed_Resin.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/256?cb=20210311055840" alt="https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gensin-impact/images/c/cd/Item_Condensed_Resin.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/256?cb=20210311055840" width="40px" /> Petrified tree roots can be revitalized with tree resin, the energy contained within them purifying ley lines that have been clogged over time.


Dragonspine's Frostbearing Tree is heavily implied to be an Irminsul Tree.

<aside> ❓ DESCRIPTION The Frostbearing Tree is an ancient tree that tends to this snowy mountain.

The ancient tree that should have slumbered forever under the ice and snow has sprouted scarlet sprouts anew.
