Sages think they know everything, Only with time did I understand the justice behind the actions of those fools.

On the left, the Constellations of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers and the Tsaritsa.

Who are the Eleven Fatui Harbingers?

Highest-ranking members of the Fatui, the Eleven Harbingers find themselves to be the striking force Snezhnaya. Revered by both the people and Fatui soldiers, they are the Tsaritsa's powerful lieutenants who have been granted absolute authority.

The familiarity of their Names

A Harbinger can bear multiple names. One might be used for their personal life, or they might have adopted an alias. But something is common to all : Their official title.

Commedia dell'arte was a type of Italian theatre, popularized in Europe from the 16th to the 18th century. The characters seen in Commedia dell'arte were stock characters : social archetypes, stereotypical and fictional charaters in a work of art. To be identified easily by the spectators, the actors wore unique masks, each representing a different character.

Visions and Delusions

<aside> 🔗 Read All About Visions


A Vision is a gift from the gods to mortals who have proven their worth.

A Delusion, on the other hand, is a trinket of Fatui technology. Made to imitate the power of Visions, little is known about Delusions, whether be it their origin or their power source. Usually given by the Tsaritsa herself, only a few can brag about possessing a Delusion. But a Delusion, as powerful as it is, is also extremely dangerous to its user.

Fatui Cicin Mages, Pyro Agents and the Eleven Harbingers are the only current known users of Delusions.

The Identities of the Harbingers

As of April 2021, nine out of eleven of the harbingers have been confirmed and mentioned in both the game storyline and webtoon, with five out of nine being numbered and only one of them being a playable character.


ALIAS Jester (The Fool) NUMBER 1 VISION / DELUSION Unknown / Unknown


ALIAS ??? (The Rooster) NUMBER 5 VISION / DELUSION Unknown / Unknown