Welcome to the Khaenri'ah Lore Library!

<aside> 🌈 The Khaenri'ah Lore Library is a massive table of Genshin Impact theories and lore. Fan theories are scattered around Twitter, Reddit, and HoYoLab — our goal is to collate and categorize thoughts throughout the updates.


<aside> 💞 Khaenri'ah (khaenriah.com) is a Genshin Impact Lore Project dedicated to curating, archiving, and exploring Genshin Impact's lore. Join us: khaenriah.com/discord


📚 Using this Library

<aside> ℹī¸ The Khaenri'ah Library is an archive of fan theories from all over the internet. Unless the theory is distinguished with a ☄ī¸, we are not the authors.


World & Characters 🔎

There are two main tables: WORLD ****& CHARACTERS, and a new secondary REFERENCES one. → These theories are further subdivided into ANALYSIS ****(objective readings, but take with a grain of salt), THEORY ****(speculative, may draw heavily from personal interpretations and subjectivities), and SATIRE (for funsies).

→ You can do a CTRL+F search across the table, as well as filter/sort it by tags.

Recommendations ⭐

The last column with the ⭐ label distinguishes recommended reads of particularly high-quality theories and work. We would recommend starting with these if you're overwhelmed by the amount of content. → ⭐ means it's a recommended read **→ **☄ī¸ means it's official Khaenri'ah content

✍ī¸ Contributing to the Library

<aside> ℹī¸ We're always looking forward to receiving help on expanding the library! This is just one of many Khaenri'ah projects — and it's made possible by our lore community.


Submitting Entries 📜

Khaenri'ah Contributors (khaenriah.com/contribute) and theorists may add to the library directly. For other visitors, you can use the #library & #khaenriah-meta channels on the Khaenri'ah Discord at khaenriah.com/discord.

Adding Comments đŸ’Ŧ

You may click into any page to leave comments on the theory - these will be publicly viewable by anyone. The comment count for each page is next to its Name. You need a Notion account (notion.so) to send comments.

<aside> ⚠ī¸ This is temporarily disabled. Head to our Discord to talk about the theories listed here so we can manually add any comments. Members with the Theorist role can share their emails with us for comment privileges.


<aside> 📌 Genshin Fandom Wiki


<aside> 📌 **Timeline, Genshin Fandom Wiki →** To be taken with a huuuge grain of salt, a MASSIVE fan-compiled collection of different events (past and present) of the world so far


<aside> 📌 **Languages & Translations, Fandom Wiki** → Compilation of scripts and translations in the game


<aside> 📌 **Honey Impact** → Datamined content for quests, books, artifacts, characters, and more


<aside> 📌 KeqingMains Community Lore Library


<aside> 📌 Genshin Impact YouTube → Yes, lore tidbits are also found on the YouTube descriptions


World 🌐

Covering world models, items, artifacts, histories, and overall thematic analysis of the game.

Characters đŸ˜¯

Focused on character analysis, interpretations, relationships, and connections.

Official Content đŸŗ

References to official MiHoYo media and content that give lore crumbs, such as videos and comics.

<aside> 🗒ī¸ Want to find more from Khaenri'ah? This is a database of fan theories and analyses from over the internet. The Khaenri'ah Lore Project publishes our own theories (also tagged here with ☄ī¸), but see more of our content at Khaenri'ah!

